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Guest Post: An Athlete’s Open Letter on Pain and Recovery

We are living in an era where often disparate fields of medicine, rehabilitation, pain science, and strength & conditioning can communicate freely and openly, ultimately improving human performance. This post is an example of such. I am happy to share an open...

Jaw Pain? Fix Your Head Position First

In the past few weeks I have seen numerous athletes with jaw pain or TMJd (temporomandibular joint dysfunction- Google it for more general knowledge). In all cases, they had chronic forward head positioning particularly exacerbated with heavy exertion. We see this...

Stop Leaning on One Leg While Standing: A Public Service Announcement

This week's post is a public service announcement to get everyone to cease and desist leaning on one leg (i.e. hanging on one hip) when standing. Many of us do it without even thinking, shifting our body weight over onto one leg and just hanging out there. But in the...

End of the Rope – Importance of Movement Mechanics and Performance

This week's post is about the importance of the pursuit of perfect movement mechanics in the face of challenge. Being at the end of your rope means that you have used up any buffering of poor mechanics and the margin for error is slim. I love Urban Dictionary's...

Overhead Athletes and Pressers – Shoulder Mechanics and the Lats 

This week's post is a follow-up to last week's primer on midline stability in overhead positions. In it we discussed how to prioritize fixing the overhead pressing position by correcting lumbar overextension first. Oftentimes poor anterior core control is lacking,...

Overhead Shoulder Dysfunction – Fix Your Spine Position First

Shoulder pain is the 3rd most common orthopedic complaint (behind the low back and knee) and it's no wonder considering how so many of the sports, exercises, and skills we perform are 'shoulder expensive'. Olympic lifts, volleyball, throwing sports, swimming all...

2 MORE Everyday Errors that Destroy Movement and Rob Performance

Last week we discussed 3 common mistakes athletes and coaches make that destroy training sessions and decrease performance. We have gotten you to stop sitting, encouraged (mandated) goal implementation for every training session, and improved your warm-up. But what...

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