The Importance of Terminal Knee Extension

If you or your athlete cannot get the knee to full extension (straight) it’s a problem – seriously. It can cause numerous performance deficits – both acute and chronic – a big problem if you want to produce maximal force in the lower...

Poor Hip Rotation And Swinging Athletes

If your golf swing is weak and feels upper body-driven, poor lower extremity mobility may be stealing your power and leaving you as the guy no one wants to play with on a scramble. Or does your athlete look rigid on his lead leg while pitching (or rear leg while...

Fix Your Flat Feet

Pain or stiffness at the bottom of a squat? Unable to get low (NOT Li’l Jon low) for a dig? Bunion throb after running? Do your feet look like Frodo’s?  Above is the foot of a collegiate volleyball player and high school national champion. Even big-time...
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