Body Tension and Self-Image

How are we aware of the space between what we want or need to do and what we think we are able to do? It’s a feeling, isn’t it? An underlying sense of tension, resistance, and insecurity if the space is wide enough. It seems that when there’s a...

Labeling, Experience, and Self-Regulation

Humans are social creatures with our capacity for language giving us dominion, as we perceive it, over other species. Given our inclination for spoken and written communication, we humans love to label things. So it’s no surprise that the medical model often...

Guest Post: Making a Difference in Chronic Pain

This guest post is written by Leda McDaniel, who wrote a fantastic article for back in 2014 entitled An Athlete’s Open Letter on Pain and Recovery. So I was thrilled to have her approach me to write a follow-up in which she outlines two steps we...

The Best of 2015 on saw considerable growth in 2015 despite the entire country of Paraguay’s insistence on not reading my articles. To put a bow on this year’s content, here’s a quick summary of the goings-ons. ​Here are the Top Articles based on traffic...
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