Much of my philosophy when it comes to movement and behavior hinges on the process of self-regulation. I have addressed various aspects of self-regulation, or the loss thereof, on this website but I’ve never truly defined it. Read on for a few thoughts on the subject, including how I define it, as well as a link to an article I recently authored that introduces the connection between self-regulation and movement. 
​Whilst subject to change, as everything I write is, here is a working definition: 

Self-regulation is the ability to inhibit one’s automatic, compulsive response reinforced by the immediate environment. ​​

In other words, it’s our ability to inhibit a conditioned habit that enables people to have options, a choice, in how they move and behave. So many people struggle to maintain a proactive rather than reactive neurological state, and are literally stuck moving and behaving compulsively in an environment that is running the show. And when our behavioral options are narrow so, too, is our function and performance.

To further this concept, I recently wrote an article for my friend Kate Galliett, creator of the fantastic Fit for Real Life. ​I think it’s a solid introductory article to the connection between self-regulation and movement with a few ways we can improve it.

Check it out here: How To Unlock Rigid, Stiff Movement With Self-Regulation

Lots more to come on this topic.


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