at Year Two

This post marks the 2-Year Anniversary of and we’ve seen continued and considerable growth over the past year. In light of this, I wanted to reflect on where we’ve been and where it’s going.Over the past year, we have: Been viewed in...

The Resting Tone of the Nervous System

In the previous post we discussed neuroception and the subconscious evaluation of threat by the sensory systems and the brain. Our ability to accurately appraise the environment — including sensory input, context, past history and future expectations, etc. — dictates...

Neuroception and the Hierarchy of Needs

What determines if a client is going to do well with a particular training or treatment session? How about in a game or business meeting? Lots of ideas come to mind: strength and endurance, hydration, nutrition, mobility, preparation, etc. all of which are crucially...
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